Carla Harris, Managing Director on Global Capital Markets at Morgan Stanley, is quoted as saying that she believes the key to success is identifying “three adjectives you want people to use to describe you and then training people to see you that way”.

I love this idea! What Carla is really doing is creating her personal brand message by choosing these adjectives.

So, how do you decide which adjectives best describe you?

Try this exercise.

  1. List your top 3 personality “pluses” or your personal strengths that have contributed to your success.
  2. Record 3 of your recent accomplishments and review the list and reflect on what these accomplishments say about you. Write your answers.
  3. Look at both lists and choose the top 3 adjectives.

Now you are ready to go. Develop your personal brand message using the three adjectives. Incorporate your message into your social media profile, your website, your resume, your bio.

Write a personal affirmation using the three adjectives and keep it visible. Recite the affirmation daily so that you can easily identify with your message and the adjectives that best describe you.

How are these adjectives for a starter?

  • Competent
  • Self-confident
  • Successful

What are your three adjectives? Let everyone know who you are and what you are all about.