Assertive communication is speaking up appropriately for oneself while considering the needs, wants, and rights of others. The verbal characteristics of assertive communication are clear, direct, and honest statements of feelings and the use of “I” statements. We feel good about ourselves when we communicate assertively, but also, we must feel self-confident and good about ourselves to adopt this style.

Often a lack of self-confidence and limiting beliefs around being assertive get in our way and hold us back from this direct approach. When we choose other styles of communication (passive, aggressive, passive-aggressive), the impact of our message can be diluted or perhaps even misunderstood.

Assertiveness teaches us:

  • The clearest  most productive and effective way to communicate is honestly and openly.
  • It is OK to be powerful (in control of my life) and self-validating (a friend to myself).
  • When I act assertively, others can relate to me assertively (open, honestly).
  • Listening and expressing myself are equally important
  • Assertive communication is based on clear information and not assumptions

What is your communicate style? Can you assert yourself and communicate in a direct manner? Assertive communication is an excellent way to own your personal power and create the credibility that you deserve in the workplace.