How Would You Like To Be Perceived?

How Would You Like To Be Perceived?

  Executive presence is important for anyone who is seeking to move to a leadership position. Why? because people need to see you as a potential leader; as someone who has the potential to take on more responsibility and grow professionally. What you may not know...

I Scratch Your Back And You Scratch Mine: The Key to Career Success?

 “Quid quo pro” is a reciprocal exchange.  The definition is “something for something”.  In plain English, it’s called trading favors or in slang, “scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours”. Reciprocal relationships in the workplace are powerful. Reciprocity, if done...

The Anatomy Of A Blindside: How High Achieving Women Are Set Up To Fail

It happened to me. I was blindsided. I was an AVP with a track record of great accomplishments. My territory consistently performed well and exceeded budgeted gross and net income. I was able to grow the business significantly by adding new product lines and I had a...